
Example script of fitting multiple Gaussian components in the emission-line profiles of a star-forming region.

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fitelp.constants as constants
from fitelp.make_latex_tables import average_velocities_table_to_latex, halpha_regions_table_to_latex
from fitelp.bpt_plotting import bpt_plot
from fitelp.kinematics_calculations import RegionCalculations
from fitelp.fit_line_profiles import plot_profiles
from fitelp.line_profile_info import RegionParameters

# Path to the directory you wish to save the ouput plots, tables and results.
constants.OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'Output_Files')

# Path to the directory containing your input data files (Optional).
constants.DATA_FILES = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'Input_Data_Files')

# Set up example region to simultaneously fit multiple emission lines
example_object = RegionParameters(region_name='example-object',
                                    blue_spec_file='exampleB.fc.fits', #fits file path of the blue spectrum
                              red_spec_file='exampleR.fc.fits', #fits file path of the red spectrum
                              blue_spec_error_file='exampleB_ErrorFlux.fc.fits', #fits file path of the blue spectrum error
                              red_spec_error_file='exampleR_ErrorFlux.fc.fits', #fits file path of the red spectrum error
                              scale_flux=1e15, # Scales the fluxes
                              center_list={'low': [3649.11211, 3661.84195, 3648.06497],
                                           'high': [3653.62683, 3664.44579, 3659.42848]}, # Center values of the Gaussian components for each zone
                              sigma_list={'low': [37.8404349, 17.4726107, 73.8997483],
                                          'high': [30.1209633, 14.8025090, 57.1031261]}, # Sigma values of the Gaussian components for each zone
                              lin_slope={'low': -5.8183e-07, 'high': -4.5958e-07}, # Linear slope values representing the continuum
                              lin_int={'low': 0.00890187, 'high': 0.00789864}, # Linear intercept values representing the continuum
                              num_comps={'low': 3, 'high': 3}, #Number of Gaussian components for each zone
                              component_labels=['Narrow 1', 'Narrow 2', 'Broad'], #Labels for each of the gaussian components
                              component_colors=['b', 'r', 'g'], #Colour to plot each of the gaussian components
                              plotting_x_range=[3400, 4000], # xrange of velocities or delta velocities
                              sigma_instr_blue=4.8, # Instrumental profile on blue arm
                              sigma_inst_red=5.9, # Instrumental profile on red arm
                              distance=52.8,  #Distance to object in Mpc
                              em_lines_for_avg_vel_calc=['H-Alpha', 'OIII-5007A', 'NII-6584A', 'SII-6717A'], # List of emission-lines to use to calculate the average radial velocity
                              show_systemic_velocity=False, # Assumed False if not defined
                              systemic_velocity=3650  # Center of most important emission-lines required only if showSystemicVelocity is True

# Add emission-lines to fit
example_object.add_em_line(name='H-Alpha', plot_color= 'y', order=  20, filter= 'red', min_idx=  2800, max_idx=3140, rest_wavelength=  6562.82, num_comps=3, amp_list=  [44.999084, 18.236959, 9.312178], zone= 'low', sigma_tsquared=  164.96, comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c': np.inf, 's': np.inf}, copy_from= None)
example_object.add_em_line(name='OIII-5007A', plot_color= 'c', order=  4, filter= 'red', min_idx=  2535, max_idx=2870, rest_wavelength=  5006.84, num_comps=3, amp_list=  [15.056061, 4.566674, 5.261243], zone= 'high', sigma_tsquared=  10.39,  comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c': np.inf, 's': np.inf}, copy_from= None)
example_object.add_em_line(name='OIII-4959A', plot_color= 'g', order=  4, filter= 'red', min_idx=  1180, max_idx=1510, rest_wavelength=  4958.91, num_comps=3, amp_list=  [5.190979, 1.265695, 0.986356], zone= 'high', sigma_tsquared=  10.39, comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c': False, 's': False}, copy_from= 'OIII-5007A')
example_object.add_em_line(name='H-Beta', plot_color='b', order=  36, filter=  'blue',  min_idx= 520,  max_idx= 990, rest_wavelength= 4861.33, amp_list= [8.435867, 1.861033, 3.630495], zone=  'low', sigma_tsquared=  164.96, comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c': False, 's': False}, copy_from=  'H-Alpha'),
example_object.add_em_line(name='OI-6300A', plot_color= '#D35400', order=  18, filter= 'red', min_idx=  2380, max_idx=2700, rest_wavelength=  6300.3, num_comps=3, amp_list=  [0.254865, 0.420512, 0.598598], zone= 'low', sigma_tsquared=  10.39, comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c': False, 's': False}, copy_from= 'H-Alpha')
example_object.add_em_line(name='NII-6584A', plot_color= 'violet', order=  20, filter= 'red', min_idx=  3250, max_idx=3590, rest_wavelength=  6583.41, num_comps=3, amp_list=  [5.526779, 4.684082, 2.48221], zone= 'low', sigma_tsquared=  11.87, comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c':np.inf, 's': np.inf}, copy_from= None)
example_object.add_em_line(name='NII-6548A', plot_color= 'violet', order=  20, filter= 'red', min_idx=  2480, max_idx=2820, rest_wavelength=  6548.03, num_comps=3, amp_list=  [1.729284, 1.613114, 0.821882], zone= 'low', sigma_tsquared=  11.87, comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c': False, 's': False}, copy_from= 'NII-6584A')
example_object.add_em_line(name='SII-6717A', plot_color= 'r', order=  22, filter= 'red', min_idx=  530, max_idx=850, rest_wavelength=  6716.47, num_comps=3, amp_list=  [4.68714, 2.259787, 1.839585], zone= 'low', sigma_tsquared=  5.19, comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c': np.inf, 's': np.inf}, copy_from= None)
example_object.add_em_line(name='SII-6731A', plot_color= '#58D68D', order=  22, filter= 'red', min_idx=  836, max_idx=1150, rest_wavelength=  6730.85, num_comps=3, amp_list=  [3.34683, 1.878706, 1.238023], zone= 'low', sigma_tsquared=  5.19,comp_limits= {'a': np.inf, 'c': False, 's': False}, copy_from= 'SII-6717A')

# You may fit multiple objects by adding extra objects to this list
regions_parameters = [example_object,]

region_array = []
rp_bpt_points, rp_bpt_points_s, rp_bpt_points_o, rp_bpt_points_p = [], [], [], []
for rp in regions_parameters:
    region = RegionCalculations(rp, xAxis='vel', initVals='vel')

    plot_profiles(['H-Alpha', 'OIII-5007A', 'NII-6584A', 'SII-6717A'], rp, nameForComps='SII-6717A',
                  title=rp.regionName + ' Strongest Emission Lines', sortedIndex=[0, 1, 2, 3], logscale=True,

bpt_plot(regions_parameters, rp_bpt_points, plot_type='NII')
bpt_plot(regions_parameters, rp_bpt_points_s, plot_type='SII')
bpt_plot(regions_parameters, rp_bpt_points_o, plot_type='OI')
bpt_plot(regions_parameters, rp_bpt_points_p, plot_type='NIIvsSII')
halpha_regions_table_to_latex(region_array, paperSize='a4', orientation='portrait', longTable=False)
average_velocities_table_to_latex(regions_parameters, paperSize='a4', orientation='landscape', longTable=False)
