Source code for fitelp.bpt_plotting

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings
from uncertainties import ufloat, umath, unumpy
import fitelp.constants as constants
from fitelp.helpers import sum_dict_values


def get_bpt_fluxes(rp, plot_type='NII'):
    fluxes = {}
    if 'H-Alpha' in rp.emProfiles:
        if plot_type == 'SII':
            ionNameKeys = ['H-Alpha', 'OIII-5007A', 'H-Beta', 'SII-6717A', 'SII-6731A']
        elif plot_type == 'OI':
            ionNameKeys = ['H-Alpha', 'OIII-5007A', 'H-Beta', 'OI-6300A']
        elif plot_type == 'NIIvsSII':
            ionNameKeys = ['H-Alpha', 'SII-6717A', 'SII-6731A', 'H-Alpha', 'NII-6584A']
            ionNameKeys = ['NII-6584A', 'H-Alpha', 'OIII-5007A', 'H-Beta']
        ionNames = ionNameKeys
        if plot_type == 'SII':
            ionNameKeys = ['H-Alpha', 'OIII-5007A', 'H-Beta', 'SII-6717A', 'SII-6731A']
            ionNames = ['H1r_6563A', 'O3_5007A', 'H1r_4861A', 'S2_6717A', 'S2_6731A']
        elif plot_type == 'OI':
            ionNameKeys = ['H-Alpha', 'OIII-5007A', 'H-Beta', 'OI-6300A']
            ionNames = ['H1r_6563A', 'O3_5007A', 'H1r_4861A', 'O1_6300A']
        elif plot_type == 'NIIvsSII':
            ionNameKeys = ['H-Alpha', 'SII-6717A', 'SII-6731A', 'H-Alpha', 'NII-6584A']
            ionNames = ['H1r_6563A', 'S2_6717A', 'SII-6731A', 'H1r_6563A', 'N2_6584A']
            ionNameKeys = ['NII-6584A', 'H-Alpha', 'OIII-5007A', 'H-Beta']
            ionNames = ['N2_6584A', 'H1r_6563A', 'O3_5007A', 'H1r_4861A']

    for ionNameKey, ionName in zip(ionNameKeys, ionNames):
        if ionName not in rp.emProfiles:
            print("Warning: {} not added to the list of emission lines of this region".format(ionName))

        if (ionName not in rp.emProfiles and ionNameKey in ['SII-6717A', 'SII-6731A']):
            print("Using other SII line for BPT plot if available")
            fluxes[ionNameKey] = {}
            fluxes[ionNameKey]['global'] = ufloat(rp.emProfiles[ionName]['globalFlux'],
            for i in range(len(rp.emProfiles[ionName]['compFluxList'])):
                fluxes[ionNameKey][rp.componentLabels[i]] = ufloat(rp.emProfiles[ionName]['compFluxList'][i],

    return fluxes

def calc_bpt_points(rp, plot_type='NII'):
    def get_SII_fluxes(fluxes, bptPoints):
        if 'SII-6717A' not in fluxes:
            xNumerator = fluxes['SII-6731A']
            bptPoints['SII_label'] = r"$\log(\mathrm{[SII]6731\AA / H\alpha})$"
        elif 'SII-6731A' not in fluxes:
            xNumerator = fluxes['SII-6717A']
            bptPoints['SII_label'] = r"$\log(\mathrm{[SII]6717\AA / H\alpha})$"
            xNumerator = sum_dict_values(fluxes['SII-6717A'], fluxes['SII-6731A'])
            bptPoints['SII_label'] = r"$\log(\mathrm{([SII]6717\AA + [SII]6731\AA) / H\alpha})$"
        return xNumerator, bptPoints

    bptPoints = {}
        fluxes = get_bpt_fluxes(rp, plot_type)
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
        print("Ion not defined for BPT plot:", plot_type)
        bptPoints['global'] = {'x': 0, 'xErr': 0, 'y': 0, 'yErr': 0}
        return bptPoints

    if plot_type == 'NII':
        xNumerator = fluxes['NII-6584A']
        xDenominator = fluxes['H-Alpha']
        yNumerator = fluxes['OIII-5007A']
        yDenominator = fluxes['H-Beta']
    elif plot_type == 'SII':
        xNumerator, bptPoints = get_SII_fluxes(fluxes, bptPoints)
        xDenominator = fluxes['H-Alpha']
        yNumerator = fluxes['OIII-5007A']
        yDenominator = fluxes['H-Beta']
    elif plot_type == 'OI':
        xNumerator = fluxes['OI-6300A']
        xDenominator = fluxes['H-Alpha']
        yNumerator = fluxes['OIII-5007A']
        yDenominator = fluxes['H-Beta']
    elif plot_type == 'NIIvsSII':
        xNumerator, bptPoints = get_SII_fluxes(fluxes, bptPoints)
        xDenominator = fluxes['H-Alpha']
        yNumerator = fluxes['NII-6584A']
        yDenominator = fluxes['H-Alpha']
        warnings.warn("Invalid BPT plot_type {}, using plot_type 'NII' instead.".format(plot_type))
        xNumerator = fluxes['NII-6584A']

    compList = ['global'] + list(fluxes['H-Alpha'].keys())
    for comp in compList:
        bptPoints[comp] = {}
        if xNumerator[comp] >= 0 and xDenominator[comp] >= 0 and yNumerator[comp] >= 0 and yDenominator[comp] >= 0:
            ratioX = umath.log10(xNumerator[comp] / xDenominator[comp])
            ratioY = umath.log10(yNumerator[comp] / yDenominator[comp])
            bptPoints[comp]['x'] = ratioX.nominal_value
            bptPoints[comp]['xErr'] = ratioX.std_dev
            bptPoints[comp]['y'] = ratioY.nominal_value
            bptPoints[comp]['yErr'] = ratioY.std_dev
            warnings.warn("Cannot compute BPT diagram as some component fluxes are negative")
            bptPoints[comp]['x'] = None
            bptPoints[comp]['xErr'] = None
            bptPoints[comp]['y'] = None
            bptPoints[comp]['yErr'] = None

    return bptPoints

[docs]def bpt_plot(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly=False, plot_type='NII'): if plot_type == 'NII': bpt_plot_NII(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly) elif plot_type == 'SII': bpt_plot_SII(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly) elif plot_type == 'OI': bpt_plot_OI(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly) elif plot_type == 'NIIvsSII': bpt_plot_NIIvsSII(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly) else: warnings.warn("Invalid BPT plot_type {}, using plot_type 'NII' instead.".format(plot_type)) bpt_plot_NII(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly)
def bpt_plot_NII(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly=False): plot_lines_and_other_points_NII() # PLOT BPT POINTS colours = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'violet', 'y', '#5D6D7E'] markers = ['o', 's', 'x', 'p', '*', 'D', '8', '>'] for i in range(len(rpList)): bptPoints = rpBptPoints[i] if globalOnly: compList = ['global'] else: compList = list(bptPoints.keys()) if 'SII_label' in compList: compList.remove('SII_label') for j, comp in enumerate(compList): x, xErr, y, yErr = bptPoints[comp]['x'], bptPoints[comp]['xErr'], bptPoints[comp]['y'], bptPoints[comp][ 'yErr'] if (x, y) != (0, 0): label = "{0}_{1}".format(rpList[i].regionName, comp) plt.scatter(x, y, marker=markers[i], label=label) # , color=colours[j]) plt.errorbar(x=x, y=y, xerr=xErr, yerr=yErr) # , ecolor=colours[j]) # plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(30, 5), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', color=colours[j], fontsize=8) # PLOT AND SAVE FIGURE plt.xlim(-1.5, 0.5) plt.ylim(-1, 1.5) plt.xlabel(r"$\log(\mathrm{[NII]6584\AA / H\alpha})$") plt.ylabel(r"$\log(\mathrm{[OIII]5007\AA / H\beta})$") plt.legend(fontsize=9) plt.savefig(os.path.join(constants.OUTPUT_DIR, 'bpt_NII.png')) def bpt_plot_SII(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly=False): plot_lines_and_other_points_SII() # PLOT BPT POINTS colours = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'violet', 'y', '#5D6D7E'] markers = ['o', 's', 'x', 'p', '*', 'D', '8', '>'] for i in range(len(rpList)): bptPoints = rpBptPoints[i] if globalOnly: compList = ['global'] else: compList = list(bptPoints.keys()) if 'SII_label' in compList: SII_label = bptPoints['SII_label'] compList.remove('SII_label') for j, comp in enumerate(compList): x, xErr, y, yErr = bptPoints[comp]['x'], bptPoints[comp]['xErr'], bptPoints[comp]['y'], bptPoints[comp][ 'yErr'] if (x, y) != (0, 0): label = "{0}_{1}".format(rpList[i].regionName, comp) plt.scatter(x, y, marker=markers[i], label=label) # , color=colours[j]) plt.errorbar(x=x, y=y, xerr=xErr, yerr=yErr) # , ecolor=colours[j]) # plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(30, 5), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', color=colours[j], fontsize=8) # PLOT AND SAVE FIGURE plt.xlim(-1.5, 0.5) plt.ylim(-1, 1.5) plt.xlabel(SII_label) plt.ylabel(r"$\log(\mathrm{[OIII]5007\AA / H\beta})$") plt.legend(fontsize=9) plt.savefig(os.path.join(constants.OUTPUT_DIR, 'bpt_SII.png')) def bpt_plot_OI(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly=False): plot_lines_and_other_points_OI() # PLOT BPT POINTS colours = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'violet', 'y', '#5D6D7E'] markers = ['o', 's', 'x', 'p', '*', 'D', '8', '>'] for i in range(len(rpList)): bptPoints = rpBptPoints[i] if globalOnly: compList = ['global'] else: compList = list(bptPoints.keys()) if 'SII_label' in compList: compList.remove('SII_label') for j, comp in enumerate(compList): x, xErr, y, yErr = bptPoints[comp]['x'], bptPoints[comp]['xErr'], bptPoints[comp]['y'], bptPoints[comp][ 'yErr'] if (x, y) != (0, 0): label = "{0}_{1}".format(rpList[i].regionName, comp) plt.scatter(x, y, marker=markers[i], label=label) # , color=colours[j]) plt.errorbar(x=x, y=y, xerr=xErr, yerr=yErr) # , ecolor=colours[j]) # plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(30, 5), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', color=colours[j], fontsize=8) # PLOT AND SAVE FIGURE plt.xlim(-1.5, 0.5) plt.ylim(-0.5, 1.5) plt.xlabel(r"$\log(\mathrm{[OI]6300\AA / H\alpha})$") plt.ylabel(r"$\log(\mathrm{[OIII]5007\AA / H\beta})$") plt.legend(fontsize=9) plt.savefig(os.path.join(constants.OUTPUT_DIR, 'bpt_OI.png')) def bpt_plot_NIIvsSII(rpList, rpBptPoints, globalOnly=False): plot_lines_and_other_points_NIIvsSII() # PLOT BPT POINTS colours = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'violet', 'y', '#5D6D7E'] markers = ['o', 's', 'x', 'p', '*', 'D', '8', '>'] for i in range(len(rpList)): bptPoints = rpBptPoints[i] if globalOnly: compList = ['global'] else: compList = list(bptPoints.keys()) if 'SII_label' in compList: compList.remove('SII_label') for j, comp in enumerate(compList): x, xErr, y, yErr = bptPoints[comp]['x'], bptPoints[comp]['xErr'], bptPoints[comp]['y'], bptPoints[comp][ 'yErr'] if (x, y) != (0, 0): label = "{0}_{1}".format(rpList[i].regionName, comp) plt.scatter(x, y, marker=markers[i], label=label) # , color=colours[j]) plt.errorbar(x=x, y=y, xerr=xErr, yerr=yErr) # , ecolor=colours[j]) # plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(30, 5), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', color=colours[j], fontsize=8) # PLOT AND SAVE FIGURE # plt.xlim(-1.5, 0.5) # plt.ylim(-0.5, 1.5) plt.xlabel(bptPoints['SII_label']) plt.ylabel(r"$\log(\mathrm{[NII]6584\AA / H\alpha})$") plt.legend(fontsize=9) plt.savefig(os.path.join(constants.OUTPUT_DIR, 'bpt_NIIvsSII.png')) def plot_lines_and_other_points_NII(): # PLOT LINES plt.figure('BPT_NII') # y1: log([OIII]5007/Hbeta) = 0.61 / (log([NII]6584/Halpha) - 0.05) + 1.3 (curve of Kauffmann+03 line) # y2: log([OIII]5007/Hbeta) = 0.61 / (log([NII]6584/Halpha) - 0.47) + 1.19 (curve of Kewley+01 line) x1 = np.arange(-2, 0.02, 0.01) y1 = 0.61 / (x1 - 0.05) + 1.3 x2 = np.arange(-2, 0.44, 0.01) y2 = 0.61 / (x2 - 0.47) + 1.19 plt.plot(x1, y1, 'k--') plt.plot(x2, y2, 'k--') # AREA LABELS plt.text(-1.25, -0.5, r'Photoionization', fontsize=12) plt.text(0.05, 0.55, r'Shocks', fontsize=12) # plt.text(-1, -0.8, r'Starburst', fontsize=12) # plt.text(-0.22, -0.75, r'Transition', fontsize=12) # plt.text(-0.18, -0.9, r'Objects', fontsize=12) # plt.text(0.16, -0.5, r'LINERs', fontsize=12) # plt.text(0.05, 0.55, r'Seyferts', fontsize=12) # plt.text(-1.46, 1.1, r'Extreme Starburst Line', fontsize=12) # OTHER POINTS FROM PAPER # Olave et al., 2015 (regions of NGC6845) hBetaAbs = [0.025, 0.033, 0.007, 0.084, 0.632, 0.075, 0.015, 0.082, 0.013, 0.038, 0.078, 0.055, 0.008, 0.021, 0.894, 0.408, 0.052, 0.009, 0.024, 0.007, 0.012] hBetaErr = [0.011, 0.027, 0.003, 0.019, 0.03, 0.022, 0.009, 0.017, 0.004, 0.017, 0.019, 0.016, 0.006, 0.013, 0.08, 0.026, 0.014, 0.004, 0.014, 0.003, 0.008] oIII5007Abs = [0.035, 0.092, 0.036, 0.473, 4.651, 0.134, 0.021, 0.183, 0.02, 0.068, 0.135, 0.082, 0.018, 0.014, 0.672, 0.503, 0.038, 0.008, 0.036, 0.013, 0.028] oIII5007Err = [0.012, 0.025, 0.029, 0.247, 0.698, 0.027, 0.013, 0.015, 0.007, 0.018, 0.023, 0.018, 0.007, 0.008, 0.072, 0.028, 0.006, 0.004, 0.014, 0.007, 0.016] hAlphaAbs = [0.069, 0.102, 0.032, 0.377, 3.011, 0.224, 0.05, 0.256, 0.046, 0.111, 0.246, 0.172, 0.027, 0.062, 3.3, 1.66, 0.161, 0.013, 0.062, 0.015, 0.035] hAlphaErr = [0.01, 0.025, 0.011, 0.029, 0.452, 0.032, 0.015, 0.034, 0.019, 0.024, 0.035, 0.027, 0.013, 0.019, 0.204, 0.14, 0.02, 0.01, 0.017, 0.008, 0.012] nII6584Abs = [0.011, 0.014, 0.007, 0.04, 0.227, 0.036, 0.009, 0.033, 0.01, 0.022, 0.041, 0.036, 0.006, 0.021, 1.064, 0.48, 0.056, 0.003, 0.011, 0.003, 0.004] nII6584Err = [0.005, 0.009, 0.006, 0.016, 0.024, 0.017, 0.007, 0.013, 0.004, 0.011, 0.016, 0.012, 0.003, 0.012, 0.062, 0.033, 0.014, 0.002, 0.007, 0.003, 0.003] hBeta = (unumpy.uarray(hBetaAbs, hBetaErr)) oIII5007 = unumpy.uarray(oIII5007Abs, oIII5007Err) hAlpha = unumpy.uarray(hAlphaAbs, hAlphaErr) nII6584 = unumpy.uarray(nII6584Abs, nII6584Err) ratioNII = unumpy.log10(nII6584 / hAlpha) ratioOIII = unumpy.log10(oIII5007 / hBeta) x = unumpy.nominal_values(ratioNII) xErr = unumpy.std_devs(ratioNII) y = unumpy.nominal_values(ratioOIII) yErr = unumpy.std_devs(ratioOIII) plt.scatter(x, y, marker='s', color='grey', alpha=0.3, label="Olave et al. 2015") plt.errorbar(x, y, xerr=xErr, yerr=yErr, color='grey', ecolor='grey', elinewidth=0.5, fmt='none', alpha=0.3) def plot_lines_and_other_points_SII(): # # PLOT LINES plt.figure('BPT_SII') # y1: log([OIII]/Hb) = 0.72 / (log([SII]/Ha) - 0.32) + 1.30 (main AGN line) # y2: log([OIII]/Hb) = 1.89 log([SII]/Ha) + 0.76 (LINER/Sy2 line) x1 = np.arange(-2, 0.02, 0.01) y1 = 0.72 / (x1 - 0.32) + 1.30 x2 = np.arange(-0.314613, 0.44, 0.01) y2 = 1.89 * x2 + 0.76 plt.plot(x1, y1, 'k--') plt.plot(x2, y2, 'k--') # AREA LABELS plt.text(-1, -0.8, r'HII-Like Objects', fontsize=12) plt.text(0.1, 0., r'LINERs', fontsize=12) plt.text(-0.5, 0.55, r'AGNs', fontsize=12) def plot_lines_and_other_points_OI(): # PLOT LINES plt.figure('BPT_OI') # y1: log([OIII]/Hb) = 0.73 / (log([OI]/Ha) + 0.59) + 1.33 (main AGN line) # y2: log([OIII]/Hb) = 1.18 log([OI]/Ha) + 1.30 (LINER/Sy2 line) x1 = np.arange(-2, 0.25, 0.01) y1 = 0.73 / (x1 - 0.59) + 1.33 x2 = np.arange(-0.53, 0.44, 0.01) y2 = 1.18 * x2 + 1.30 plt.plot(x1, y1, 'k--') plt.plot(x2, y2, 'k--') # AREA LABELS plt.text(-1, 0., r'HII-Like Objects', fontsize=12) plt.text(0., 0.5, r'LINERs', fontsize=12) plt.text(-0.6, 1., r'AGNs', fontsize=12) def plot_lines_and_other_points_NIIvsSII(): # PLOT LINES plt.figure('BPT_NIIvsSII')