Source code for fitelp.make_latex_tables

import os
import numpy as np
import fitelp.constants as constants


def table_to_latex(tableArray, headingLines, saveFileName, directory, caption, centering, papersize='a4', orientation='portrait', longTable=False):
    texFile = open(os.path.join(directory, saveFileName + '.tex'), 'w')
    texFile.write('\\usepackage[%spaper, %s, margin=0.5in]{geometry}\n' % (papersize, orientation))
    texFile.write('\\begin{longtable}{%s}\n' % (centering))
    for heading in headingLines[:-1]:
        texFile.write(' & '.join(str(e) for e in heading) + ' \\\\ \n')
    texFile.write(' & '.join("\\scriptsize " + str(e) for e in headingLines[-1]) + ' \\\\ \n')
    if longTable:
    for line in tableArray:
        texFile.write(' & '.join(str(e) for e in line) + ' \\\\ \n')
    texFile.write('\\caption{%s}\n' % caption)


    run_bash_command("pdflatex '" + os.path.join(directory, saveFileName + ".tex'"))
    if directory != ".":
        run_bash_command("mv " + saveFileName + ".pdf '" + directory + "'")
        run_bash_command("rm " + saveFileName + ".*")

[docs]def halpha_regions_table_to_latex(regionInfoArray, directory=None, paperSize='a4', orientation='portrait', longTable=False): saveFileName = 'ObjectInfo' headings = [r'Object Name', r'SFR', r'$\mathrm{log(L(H}\alpha))$', r'$\mathrm{log([NII]/H}\alpha)$', r'$\mathrm{log([OIII]/H}\beta)$'] headingUnits = ['', r'$(\mathrm{M_{\odot} \ yr^{-1}})$', '', '', ''] headingLines = [headings, headingUnits] caption = 'Object Information' nCols = len(headings) centering = 'l' + 'c' * (nCols-1) directory = get_directory(directory) table_to_latex(regionInfoArray, headingLines, saveFileName, directory, caption, centering, paperSize, orientation, longTable)
[docs]def comp_table_to_latex(componentArray, rp, paperSize='a4', orientation='portrait', longTable=True, xAxisUnits='vel', scaleFlux=1e14): if xAxisUnits == 'wave': flux_units_text = constants.FluxUnitsLabels(scaleFlux).FLUX_UNITS_HEADER_WAVE else: flux_units_text = constants.FluxUnitsLabels(scaleFlux).FLUX_UNITS_HEADER_VEL saveFileName = 'ComponentTable' directory = os.path.join(constants.OUTPUT_DIR, rp.regionName) headings = [r'$\mathrm{\lambda_0}$', r'$\mathrm{Ion}$', r'$\mathrm{Comp.}$', r'$\mathrm{v_r}$', r'$\mathrm{\sigma_{int}}$', r'$\mathrm{Flux}$', r'$\mathrm{EM_f}$', r'$\mathrm{GlobalFlux}$'] headingUnits = [r'$(\mathrm{\AA})$', '', '', r'$(\mathrm{km \ s^{-1}})$', r'$(\mathrm{km \ s^{-1}})$', flux_units_text, '', flux_units_text] headingLines = [headings, headingUnits] caption = rp.regionName nCols = len(headings) centering = 'lllccccc' table_to_latex(componentArray, headingLines, saveFileName, directory, caption, centering, paperSize, orientation, longTable)
[docs]def average_velocities_table_to_latex(rpList, directory=None, paperSize='a4', orientation='portrait', longTable=False): saveFileName = 'AverageVelocitiesTable' velArray = calc_average_velocities(rpList) regionHeadings = [''] headings = [''] headingUnits = [''] for rp in rpList: regionHeadings += ["\multicolumn{2}{c}{%s}" % rp.regionName] # Was 2 instead of 3 when i didn;t have separate component Labels headings += [r'$\mathrm{v_r}$', r'$\mathrm{\sigma}$'] headingUnits += [r'$\mathrm{(km \ s^{-1})}$', r'$\mathrm{(km \ s^{-1})}$'] headingLines = [regionHeadings, headings, headingUnits] caption = "Average of radial velocities and velocity dispersions" nCols = len(headings) centering = 'l' + 'c' * (nCols-1) directory = get_directory(directory) table_to_latex(velArray, headingLines, saveFileName, directory, caption, centering, paperSize, orientation, longTable)
def calc_average_velocities(rpList): regionsAllLines = [] componentLabelsAllEmLines = [] for rp in rpList: numCompsFromVelCalcList = [] centers = [] sigmas = [] for emName, emInfo in rp.emProfiles.items(): if emName in rp.emLinesForAvgVelCalc: if 'numComps' in emInfo.keys(): numComps = emInfo['numComps'] else: zone = emInfo['zone'] numComps = rp.numComps[zone] numCompsFromVelCalcList.append(numComps) centers.append(emInfo['centerList'][0:numComps]) sigmas.append(emInfo['sigIntList'][0:numComps]) avgCentres = [] avgSigmas = [] stdCentres = [] stdSigmas = [] for i in range(10): # Max number of numComps (number of rows in table) componentCentres = column(centers, i) componentSigmas = column(sigmas, i) if componentCentres != []: avgCentres.append(np.mean(componentCentres)) stdCentres.append(np.std(componentCentres)) else: avgCentres.append(None) stdCentres.append(None) if componentSigmas != []: avgSigmas.append(np.mean(componentSigmas)) stdSigmas.append(np.std(componentSigmas)) else: avgSigmas.append(None) stdSigmas.append(None) regionLines = [] componentLabels = [] for i in range(10): try: vel = avgCentres[i] if hasattr(rp, 'showSystemicVelocity') and rp.showSystemicVelocity is True: tableVel = vel - rp.systemicVelocity else: tableVel = vel regionLines.append([r"%.1f $\pm$ %.1f" % (tableVel, stdCentres[i]), r"%.1f $\pm$ %.1f" % (avgSigmas[i], stdSigmas[i])]) componentLabels.append(rp.componentLabels[i]) except (IndexError, TypeError): regionLines.append(["-", "-"]) componentLabels.append("") regionsAllLines.append(regionLines) componentLabelsAllEmLines.append(componentLabels) allLinesInArray = [] for i in range(10): lineInArray = [rp.componentLabels[i]] if i < numComps else [''] for j in range(len(regionsAllLines)): regionLine = regionsAllLines[j] componentLabel = componentLabelsAllEmLines[j] lineInArray += regionLine[i] for entry in lineInArray: if entry == '' or entry == '-': pass else: allLinesInArray.append(lineInArray) break return allLinesInArray def run_bash_command(bashCommandStr): os.system(bashCommandStr) # process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommandStr.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # output, error = process.communicate(input='\n') def column(matrix, i): columnList = [] for row in matrix: if i < len(row): columnList.append(row[i]) return columnList def get_directory(directory): if directory is None: return constants.OUTPUT_DIR else: return directory